Dr. Anam Tahir
PhD Student 2018-2023
Working area(s)
Anam Tahir recieved her B.Sc. degree from Pakistan and her M.Sc. degree from TU Darmstadt, both in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology. Her Master thesis was titled “Optimum Communications for Formation Control in Multi Agent Systems”.
Anam joined SOS Lab as PhD student in November 2018 and is part of the Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) 1053 “” in sub-project C3. Her areas of research interest include modelling of the network using the concepts of reinforcement learning and multi-agent systems. MAKI– Multi-Mechanisms Adaptation for the Future Internet
She is also interested in performance optimization of communication systems possibly under partial observability, with the focus on queueing networks.
Publications in TU-Biblio

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Current Student Projects
Completed Student Projects
Jiekai Jia (Master thesis) |
Communication in Large Queuing Networks |
02/2022 |
Sharif Azem (Bachelor thesis) |
Decentralized Communicaton in Drone Swarms | 02/2021 |
Tobias Schilke (Project Seminar) |
Fast Converging Hierarchichal Consensus with Collison Avoidance | 10/2020 |
Gizem Ekinci (Master thesis co-supervised with Dominik Linzner, BCS Lab) |
Bayesian Inference of Information Transfer in Networked Multi-Agent Systems | 07/2020 |
Isheeta Jha (Master thesis co-supervised with VI Lab TU Darmstadt and Mobis) |
Learning to Detect Moving Objects using a Single Stream of Motion Cues | 06/2020 |
Prabhash Jha (Master thesis co-supervised with Mobis) |
Joint Multi-Task Learning of Vision Geometry Tasks for Autonomous Driving Perception | 05/2020 |
Vaishnavi Kasuluru (Master thesis co-supervised with Ericsson GmbH) |
Performance Measurement Setup and Evaluation of Uplink Video over LTE and 5G Network | 09/2019 |