SOS Team Members

Mark Sinzger


PhD student 2019-2024



Mark Sinzger joined SOS Lab in April 2019, after completing his master's degree at TU München in Mathematics in Bioscience. His interest in mathematics is rooted in highschool, when he participated in math competitions, such as Landeswettbewerb Baden-Württemberg, Bundeswettbewerb and Mathematical Kangaroo. In 2015, during his bachelor in mathematics at the University of Tübingen, he participated in the Romseminar. This extracurricular academy was called into existence by Prof. Rainer Nagel as an opportunity to put math into different contexts. In 2017, during his master's, he successfully participated in the IMC, International Math Competition, in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. He wrote his master's thesis with Prof. Jan Hasenauer and Prof. Heinz Koeppl on “Approximations to the CIR modulated Birth Process with Applications in Heterogeneous Chemical Reaction Networks”.

His research interests lie in doubly stochastic Poisson processes, martingale theory, filtering theory for point processes, modeling of cell-to-cell heterogeneity and information transmission in cells.


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