Tim Prangemeier
PhD student
S3/06 204
Merckstrasse 25
Additional contact information
Additional contact information for the Bio-Campus (Schnittspahnstraße 10)
- Modelling Lab (B1|08): +49 6151 16 20886
- Wet Lab (B2|03): +49 6151 16 57 244
- Microscope Lab (B2|03): +49 6151 16 57 57 245
Tim studied mechanical and process engineering at the Technische Universität Darmstadt and joined the SOS lab in 2017. His background is in fluid mechanics and metrology, originally in the wind tunnel and in-flight measurement setting. Having previously investigated bioinspired unsteady aerodynamics, self-organising systems and microfluidic metrology, Tim has transitioned to microfluidics and experimental design. While he is still interested in fundamental fluid mechanical questions, he is working on novel microfluidic components and optimized experimental design within the framework of the research program ( LOEWE CompuGene). project B-2
Research and interests
Tim's research interests are focused around developing metrology for single-cell measurements. He is especially interested in optimal-experimental design with both automated measurements and system perturbation methods. This requires the development of novel microfluidic components, automated image processing tools, mathematical modelling, as well as addressing wet lab questions such as controlling organism culture conditions.
Student projects are available in a range of different fields corresponding to the diverse research interests. Topics range from IT, over classical engineering projects to biological investigations. A list of potential topics offered at BCS can be found . here
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Current Student Projects
Christoph Reich (Research Assistant) |
GANs for Cell-Trap Configurations; CNN applications in Bio-Imaging |
Completed Student Projects
Co-Supervised Students and Research Assistants
- Florian Swienty (Bachelor Thesis, Physics, teaching assistant)
- Sarah Riesbeck (wet lab, research assistant)
- André Françani (imaging, research assistant)
- Florian Schwald (teaching assistant)