SOS Team Members

Prof. Dr. Heinz Köppl

Head of lab


work +49 6151 16-57 235
cell 0151-61 37 57 19
fax +49 6151 16-57 241

Work S3|06 202
Merckstrasse 25
64283 Darmstadt

Since January 2014 Heinz Koeppl is a full professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at TU Darmstadt with a co-affiliation at the Department of Biology. Prior to that he was a SNSF assistant professor at the Automatic Control Lab of ETH Zurich and a group leader at IBM Research – Zurich.

Heinz went to a school for electrical engineering (HTL) and later got his M.Sc. in physics from Graz Karl-Franzens University (2001) and his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Graz University of Technology (2004). His PhD thesis was done in collaboration with Infineon Technologies within a Christian Doppler Laboratory. After doing his civil service for the Austrian federal government for a year, he went on as a Schroedinger fellow to UC Berkeley, USA to work with Leon Chua at the EECS department. From fall 2006 to fall 2010 he has been a postdoc at the Laboratory of Nonlinear Systems at the School of Communication and Computer Sciences at EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne) Lausanne, Switzerland. In spring 2008, he did a three month visit at the Department of Systems Biology, Harvard Medical School, Boston USA. He received an IBM Faculty Award (2014) and runs an ERC Consolidator grant since 2018.

Contact for applications and appointments:

For appointments and inquiries about positions, please send an email to this address: