Kai Cui
PhD student
work +49 6151 16-57 238
fax +49 6151 16-57 241
S3/06 230
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Kai Cui joined the Lab as a PhD student in December 2019 and is part of the emergenCITY project funded by Hesse's research promotion programme LOEWE, research area KOM. There, he is interested in applying reinforcement learning and mean field methods to optimize network configurations and drone communication networks.
Prior to that, he received his M.Sc. degree in Computer Science, and in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology with focus on automation systems from Technische Universität Darmstadt in 2019.
His research topics includes reinforcement learning, game theory and mean field games. In particular, he is interested in new, scalable solutions for multi-agent control problems via mean-field frameworks. Possible applications could include learning drone swarm behaviour such as indoor exploration, or analyzing vaccination strategies.
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Student Projects
Ziqiang Sha (Master thesis) |
MPC-based Dynamical Mid-AIr Docking of Quadrotors | ~08/2024 |
Johannes Dubnack (Master thesis) |
Vehicle Routing Problems and Drone Transportation via Mean Field Control | ~06/2024 |
Zhen Zhu (Master thesis) |
Mean Field Control for Dynamic Network Congestion Problems | 05/2024 |
Nu Li (Master thesis) |
Convolutional Neural Networks on FPGAs for UAVs | 03/2024 |
Mingzheng Wang (Master thesis) |
Control of Self-Replicating Magnetic Drone Structures | 01/2024 |
Yunpeng Du (Master thesis) |
Learning to Control Self-Assembling Magnetic Drone Morphologies | 11/2023 |
Haig Sajelian (Bachelor thesis) |
Fast MPC Methods for UAVs and FPGAs | 09/2023 |
Jing Liu (Master thesis) |
Mid-Air Coupling for Magnetic Drone Structures | 09/2023 |
Liu Jiaqiao (Master thesis) |
Optimizing Dynamic Reconfigurable Drone Structures | 08/2023 |
Guilherme Silva (Bachelor thesis) |
Optimal Object Transportation by Magnetic Reconfigurable Drones | 04/2023 |
Zhihao Lu (Master thesis) |
Robust Control of Crazyflie Quadcopters | 12/2022 |
Caio Victor Gouveia Freitas (Bachelor thesis) |
Visually Localizing, Approaching and Carrying Objects using Magnetic MAVs | 11/2022 |
Yao Zhang (Master thesis) |
Bio-inspired Communication in Reinforcement Learning for Foraging Tasks | 10/2022 |
Julian Dobler (Bachelor thesis) |
Optimal Object Transportation via Drone Swarms | 08/2022 |
Ruiyao Wu (Master thesis) |
Visual Self-Localization for UAVs | 08/2022 |
Yao Zhang (Master thesis) |
Collective Intelligence and Symmetry Breaking via Reinforcement Learning | 07/2022 |
Lin Qu (Master thesis) |
Viral Reconfiguration of Network Topologies using Drone Swarms | 07/2022 |
Roman Leon Coura (Bachelor thesis) |
3D Modular Drone Structures for Manipulation of Objects | 06/2022 |
Elvis Majushi (Master thesis) |
Drone Swarms for Communication and Exploration in Disaster Scenarios | 06/2022 |
Abdelrahman Azzam (Master thesis) |
Adaptive Routing via Reinforcement Learning and Mean Field Control | 06/2022 |
Mengbing Zhou (Master thesis) |
Online System Identification and Robust Control for Quadrotors | 04/2022 |
Amos Newswanger (Master thesis) |
Indoor Visual Navigation on Micro-AerialDrones without External Infrastructure | 04/2022 |
Tilman Sachs (Bachelor thesis) |
Decentralized Pattern Formation via Reinforcement Learning | 04/2022 |
Marvin Joos (Master thesis) (cosupervised) |
FPGA-based Deep Neural Networks for UAVs | 04/2022 |
Wencheng Zhang (Master thesis) |
Collaborative Visual Exploration of Unknown Environments Using UAV Swarms | 02/2022 |
Rafael Davila Sosa (Bachelor thesis) |
Control of Hexagonal Multi-Drone Structures | 02/2022 |
Lalith Kishore Sai Macherla Sathish (Master thesis) |
Optimal Sequential Object Transportation via Reinforcement Learning | 12/2021 |
Ruikang Sun (Master thesis) |
Model-free and Model-based Mean-Field Reinforcement Learning | 11/2021 |
Dongxu Wang (Master thesis) |
Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning and Voting Algorithms | 11/2021 |
Simon Schwab (Bachelor thesis) |
Control of Modular Drone Structures using Multi-AgentReinforcement Learning | 10/2021 |
Davi Klein Spindola (Bachelor thesis) |
End-to-End Reinforcement Learning for Low-Level Control of Quadcopters | 09/2021 |
Alexandre Knihar (Bachelor thesis) |
Depth Estimation and 3D Reconstruction for Micro Aerial Vehicles | 06/2021 |
Tizian Claus Dege (Bachelor thesis) |
Neural Face Detection on Micro Aerial Vehicles | 04/2021 |
David Askari-Badouee (Bachelor thesis) |
Decentralised Assembly of Drone Morphologies for Large Object Transportation | 03/2021 |
Berk Calabakan (Bachelor thesis) |
Mid-Air Self-Assembling Drone Swarms | 03/2021 |
Jiean Yan (Master thesis) |
Performance Comparison of Quadcopter Collision Avoidance Algorithms | 01/2021 |
Shouran Mu (Master thesis) |
Potential and Rotational Flows for Collision-Free Drone Swarm Maneuvers | 12/2020 |
Ramzi Ourari (Master thesis) |
Multiagent Collision Avoidance in Drone Swarms via Deep Reinforcement Learning | 11/2020 |
Hongjing Tang (Master thesis) |
Low-Level Control of Quadcopters via Reinforcement and Imitation Learning | 11/2020 |
João Victor Stahl Mosz (Master thesis) |
Performance Evaluation of Different Low-Level Quadcopter Control Algorithms | 09/2020 |